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© Amelyn Ng 2024
Screenspace was originally meant to be performed inside an actual Skyspace. In early 2020, I pitched a proposal to the committee managing the Twilight Epiphany Skyspace on Rice Campus, to temporarily unfold this extra-large blackout fabric across the void from the viewing gallery above. The 16:9 cutout in the middle of the quilt would temporarily reformat Turrell’s symmetrical square sky as a rectangular screen.

The proposal was promptly rejected, on the grounds that “James Turrell expressly forbids any physical intervention in the Skyspace. It is part of our legal agreement with the artist that Rice not modify or alter the artwork itself in any way, even temporarily.” This rejection revealed a fascinating insight into the artist’s absolute ownership over the space—including aesthetic rights to a piece of Houston sky. This graphic sequence shows what the forbidden act of reformatting Turrell’s sky would have looked like.