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© Amelyn Ng 2024

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“After Junkspace”
FLOG, no. 8 (March 2016)
Have we become the antithesis of ourselves? Here are some general assumptions for debate, discussion or disregard... Architects are now disorientationalists. Note: I say architects in the loosest sense of the word (aren’t we all some form of architect, designer or engineer these days?), meaning anyone who believes they can construct a piece of the world by their hand. We now exist to create disjunctions, points of interest, social condensers, hubs of activity, clever kinks in otherwise-banal circulatory spaces and irregular floor plans- this is now what the world expects of us, thanks to the high media coverage and consumer desirability of various starchitects who shall not be named... As the old adage goes, too many masters spoil the plan.
Rant continues, featuring ruminations under the subheadings Microwave, Washing Machine, and Vacuum.